Thursday, March 10, 2016

Bucharest - Music, food -The Dracula Club

Dracula Club, Bucharest, Romania. Knock knock. Who answers.

Bucharest - Some Night Life

The Dracula Club and Other Vlad sites

1.  The Dracula Club in Bucharest is kitsch, plus good food and good fun - see ("Dinner At The Count's")

Go to the front door, knock, and a little tiny door at eye level opens up and you will be examined. Closely. Then the little door will close.

Even if the premises are rented for a private party, ask if you can just slip in for a while.  We did that and had a fine time.

2.  For further Vlad sites in Bucharest, including the "Princely Court," Curtea Veche, being excavated, at

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