Sunday, August 05, 2007

Cluj Napoca - Transylvania

Cluj Napoca has strong Hungarian roots, with migrations back and forth over centuries, see  The Hungarian national dress, worn for special occasions, looks different from the traditional Romanian that we saw in northern Maramures, but we are not sure if that is so.  This was on the way to Cluj Napoca, in a small town.

Romania's Hungarian traditions:

Cluj is a large, cosmopolitan area - Here is Cluj - see  Photos at

To navigate in any city:

Look for the country's equivalent of the "city center" sign - centrum, or its equivalent.

The city center signs will begin dependably at the outskirts, at the motorways, and lead you.

Go to the main square, then look for some place to sleep.

Park once, where you are staying the night; then walk. No driving at night if possible - vehicles may not have lights, horse carts may not have reflectors.

Everyone is more careful in driving there than we are here, looking out for horsecarts, people. I saw no accidents except an occasional urban truck-car or car-car fender-benders.

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